• Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 40 years of experience advocating for the protection of students

  • Educating parents, training staff and directing social service agencies in Redlands and the Inland Empire

  • 44 years married to a U.S.M.C Vietnam combat veteran

  • Mother and grandmother

  • 36 years living in RUSD area 4

  • Loves God, country, family, and friends

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Vote on November 5th

Register to Vote Click for Voter Info Vote on November 5th

About Jeannette

I am happily married to a U.S.M.C. veteran and have one daughter.   My granddaughter underwent several years of education at RUSD.  As a family we witnessed firsthand the impact a  quality education can have and the significance of a robust school system.   

In my leisure time I enjoy caring for numerous pets, tending to injured birds,  creating gifts and home decor and spending quality time with family and friends. I continue to be an advocate for children and families as I contribute many hours of volunteer work helping to organize healthy and safe events for families in our local community. I love God, my family, and serving others. 

As a social worker,  I have spent many years advocating for those in need and developing services and programs to meet those needs of students,  foster youth, foster parents, veterans and caregivers.   I am very excited to bring this extensive experience and passion to the RUSD School Board. 

More About Jeannette

One local position I truly enjoyed was supporting and teaching parents while  managing child abuse prevention programs at  four Family Resource Centers located on our RUSD school campuses. 

I also have many years of experience developing and directing agencies and was responsible for contracts, audits,  new programs and policies, budgets and all aspects of employee management. I have amassed quite a wealth of knowledge in these areas which will certainly benefit the RUSD school board's areas of responsibility.

As an  educator I taught courses  on child abuse detection, reporting and treatment as well as courses in child development, grooming practices and the psychosocial well-being of children.  I firmly believe that education extends beyond academics and encompasses the overall well-being and safety of students.  

Now retired, I am committed to utilizing my skills and expertise to develop solutions in the best interest of children and their families. I pledge to work tirelessly to ensure that all students have access to a quality education and have the necessary resources to succeed. 

More About Jeannette

My Dream

The decision to run for school board was not an easy one. I knew the campaign would take a focused approach with my time,  energy and resources and being on the school board would take the same. Soon after I decided to run I had a dream. In my dream I was standing high above a big body of water, feeling unsure whether to jump or not. A voice simply said "you know how to swim.”  I find myself now using this dream as encouragement to push forward because it is true, I do know how to swim.  —Jeannette