“I have been advocating for the increased safety of children at RUSD meetings for the last several years. I’ve witnessed my pleas and those of concerned parents in our community go unheard and ignored. Due to the willful indifference of current leadership, I have decided to run for school board area 4. Together we can provide a safe learning environment for all students in RUSD.” —Jeannette Wilson

Redlands Unified School District is a nationwide example of child sexual abuse. Fifty students have accused twenty-five teachers of misconduct since 1999.

The Top Reason I’m Running is Because:

I want to ensure that our children feel safe at school. In recent years, there have been numerous incidents of violence, bullying in schools and sexual abuse, which have left students feeling scared and insecure. This is unacceptable, and it is the responsibility of the school board to take the lead in creating a safe and nurturing environment for our children. We must put a STOP to sexual abuse and grooming.

I will implement policies, training and programs that address these issues as our schools must become a place where students can learn and develop in age-appropriate environments.

Parents have the right to know about all things related to their child while at school. Psychological concerns, injuries, disciplinary matters, investigations, changes in teachers and administrative positions are all examples of such information. I will ensure that parents are kept informed and their voices are heard.

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have the knowledge and experience to make a big impact in decreasing sexual abuse and grooming. It is a heartbreaking reality that some children experience abuse at the hands of their teachers or school staff.

I will implement strict policies and procedures to properly respond to any abuse. I will ensure that teachers and staff undergo effective training to recognize and report any signs of abuse per the California Child Abuse Reporting laws. The abuse WILL decrease as the perpetrators will no longer be protected.

Lastly, my decision to run for this position is driven by my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of our children and the community as a whole. I believe that with greater transparency, effective communication, and a strong commitment to the safety and well-being of our students, we can create a better and brighter future.

I am dedicated to this cause and humbly ask for your support in my campaign. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our children receive the best education possible.

Register to Vote - November 5th

Click for Voter Info - November 5th

Register to Vote - November 5th Click for Voter Info - November 5th