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Redlands Unified School District is a nationwide example of child sexual abuse in public education.

Fifty students have accused twenty-five teachers of abuse since 1999.

  • New Redlands Superintendent Implicated in Failure to Report Abuse

    By Joe Nelson Published Jan 14 2024

    “It was learned during the police investigation that Val Verde’s then-assistant superintendent of human resources, Juan Cabral, instructed Navarro, the assistant principal, not to report the allegations against Reck to police, which the lawsuit described as “clear contravention” to the school district’s mandatory reporting obligations.”

  • Outraged parents protest outside Redlands school meeting after sexual abuse allegations

    Nicole Comstock reports APR 25, 2023

    A CBS News report discovered 50 students have accused more than 25 teachers of sexual misconduct between 1999-2022.

  • Grand jury says Redlands Unified still lacks proper training to combat sexual abuse

    By JOE NELSON February 2, 2022

    Description goes hereMore than three years after the Redlands Unified School District adopted a series of reforms to combat the sexual abuse of students, a San Bernardino County grand jury has found school and district personnel still struggle with their legal duty to weed out predators within their ranks.

  • Parents, community members lambaste Redlands Unified over sex abuse scandal

    BY MADISON HART April 26, 2023

    Unhappy with the recent national spotlight put on sex abuse cases in the Redlands Unified School District, parents and community members filled the school board room Tuesday, April 25, to demand accountability. Some even called for the resignations of high-level administrators and elected officials.

  • Students advocate for victims of misconduct, better communication

    By: Loren Meza May 5, 2023

    “We don’t want to run away from it and we can’t hide from it anymore,”said the parents of a Redlands student who reported sexual misconduct by one of her teachers in 2022.

  • Allegations of child sexual abuse, cover-ups rock Redlands Unified School District

    John Fenoglio, Josh DuBose Apr 25, 2023

    CBS reports that in the last 10 years, more than 50 Redlands students have sued their former school over alleged sexual abuse and that the district has paid out more than $41 million in settlements over the past decade to former students who alleged teachers had sexually abused them.

“Since 2016, the (Redlands) district has paid out more than $41.3 million to settle sexual abuse lawsuits against the district and former teachers”


The “Pledge of Silence” documentary produced by CBS News and correspondent Meg Oliver, investigates a broken system for handling sexual misconduct in the public education system in the U.S. and concentrates on Redlands which stands out as more than 50 cases have been uncovered spanning decades.

Only 6% of students report sexual abuse by teachers. The other 94% of children remain silent.

Experts estimate that 12% of students experience sexual abuse before they graduate high school. Thats over 5,000,000 American Children that get abused.

Redlands Unified School District will pay $2.25 million to settle the latest lawsuit against former teacher and coach Laura Whitehurst.

In 2013, the former English teacher and soccer coach pleaded guilty to 6 felony counts of unlawful sex with three former students.

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  • Parental Rights Advocates Support New Parent Notification Policy Introduced in Chino School District

    GREG BURT JUNE 12, 2023

    A group of parental rights advocates, in conjunction with Assemblyman Bill Essayli, is proud to support a new parental rights policy being proposed by Chino Valley Unified School District’s president Sonja Shaw to make sure schools aren’t keeping secrets from parents about their children.


    By Nikolas Lanum Published March 28, 2023

    A California city fell under the national spotlight last week after protesters descended on a critical race theory (CRT) workshop organized by the newly elected conservative-majority school board.

  • How school boards became one of democracy’s front lines

    BY LEXI LONAS - 11/26/23

    Since the pandemic, Americans are paying closer attention to school boards and their meetings than ever before, but the rubber-meets-the-road government bodies — an original colonial creation — are no strangers to controversy.

“We need to clean up the whole Redlands School Board and get people in there who are really going to protect our children,”

—Melissa Castro (local Redlands parent)